Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bridge Repair

The first bridge was too jarring going up, so I sent it down instead. It slides into G better that way. The syncopation in the coda was rather appealing, so I brought it forward to lengthen the bridge. It’s a bit of a contrast from the late 18th century style, but I like it. Notice that measures 15 – 17 slip back towards C.
Now comes the hard part, where I’ve stumbled every other time in the past; writing the development section. I got me a copy of Charles Rosen’s "Sonata Forms", hoping it will give some insight and maybe point me in useful directions. I’ve also been reading through some Mozart piano sonatas. So far, I’ve learned that I tend to abandon structure in the development, while Mozart appears to use short phrases. I’ll give that a try. Figuring out a useful key progression is also going to be a challenge.

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