Tuesday, April 18, 2006

More Development Work

I’ve been exploring various options for the development, and so far like this the best; it has a certain amount of energy and forward motion as well as some decent sounds. It takes the first subject through e minor, C major, g minor, F major, B flat major, through E flat and on to G (major or minor, not sure yet). The dotted quarter – eighth over Alberti bass has been salvaged from a previous Development attempt, though I don’t now yet how it fits in or whether it gets transposed. The last bar (#92) would come right before the recap.

Now that I’ve gotten this far in this sonata, I think I can articulate a bit what it is trying to be overall. The simple, carefree first subject is youthful, perhaps child-like. It is followed by a syncopated bridge that could be heard as a teenage dance and the hymn-like second subject could be middle age: meditative and contemplative. Then comes the dance of old age? So much for analogies. The opening of the development puts a serious tone to the first subject. The middle bit is somewhat comic. How it gets knit together I’ll figure out later.

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